Saturday, July 28, 2012

Georgia Needs a Revolution

I should clarify the Republic of Georgia needs several revolutions related to innovation to build its economy.

Currently Georgia is focusing all of its attention on tourism. There is a challenge here, the only tourism that Georgia has to offer is small niche tourism. One of the current initiatives is to develop their tourism related to wine. This is perfectly fine but will not generate the revenue required to rejuvenate or invigorate Georgia's economy.  Although it is a great starting point for building the local economies. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Challenges Facing S-Curve Analysis

S-Curve analysis is an incredible tool for determining which strategy a company should use when developing new products or determining which types of innovation are required to make your products competitive. Although in a changing world the S-Curve is facing new challenges that it lacks the capabilities to accommodate.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Finding Balance between Profit and Geopolitical Social Responsibility

Generally speaking western organizations are geared towards one main goal and that happens to be making profit regardless the cost. This shareholder driven lust for profit can have a significant and detrimental impact on the world at large and on the organization itself. This leads us to an important question, is there another way? Could companies maintain good profit while at the same time focusing on sustainability and social responsibility? Do organizations need to chase profits recklessly and often at the expense of the people that they are supposed to be serving? In my opinion this is not the only way; this is a very narrow minded and short sighted means of conducting business that inevitably leads to unsustainability.

When we think of social responsibility we think of tangible aspects that we can see and touch. Ones that have visible results and are geared at maintaining better brand images aimed at sustainability. One great example of this is organizations making a dedicated effort to go green or become eco-friendly. After all when an organization reduces it greenhouse gas emissions it is highly visible and can be shown to the public. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Importance of Communication in Innovation

Fear of Change
Innovation is synonymous with change. Needless to say, change for most people is something terrifying and much harder to accept than the status-quo. Since in the end innovation is basically change you must expect the result to be fear and resistance is inevitable.

One of the leading causes of failure in any change process is the lack or vagueness in regard to communicating change. When people are kept in the dark it leads to an even greater fear related to change, the fear of the unknown.

When it comes to innovation this is particularly true due to some of the functions that your change such as innovation of internal processes, business models, or organizational restructuring. In these situations people could perceive threats where the are none. In these situations you must communicate every aspect of the change in detail and show the benefits of this change to the employees.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Importance of Innovation in Emerging Economies:
The Republic of Georgia

Georgian Wine
The Republic of Georgia is a small country just east of the black sea. Bordered to the north by Russia and to the south by Turkey, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. It is known for its rich heritage of wine making and has started developing a tourist industry that revolves around its expertise in wine making.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Innovation Management Aimed at Sustainability

Sustainability in InnovationThis is a more personal post for me due to the fact that it relates to how my specialization has changed me. When I was younger I had a tendency to be quite idealistic. As I aged, like many people I migrated from being idealistic to being significantly more cynical. This conversion is not hard to explain due to the burdens put on us by life in general.

In reflecting on the process I just went through for my specialization,  I realized that it had awakened a piece of me long thought lost. That is the concept that by understanding innovation and innovation management  people do have a means of changing the world. Now this doesn't mean that I have completely given up cynicism, it means that by understanding the innovation process we can work towards sustainability. It also encompasses the concept that doing so is not necessarily mis-aligned with the needs of business.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Embedded Innovation Paradigm

The Embedded Innovation Paradigm
The embedded innovation paradigm takes a new approach to how an organization develops geared at creating sustainability. This new approach focuses on the concept mentioned in my last post regarding business intimacy. The whole purpose of this model is to integrate the organization within the community being targeted.

By integrating into the community the organization adds a significant competitive advantage in the sense that it builds consumer trust and a long term relationship.